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NFL’s Crucial Catch mission is to fight cancer through early detection and risk
reduction. The league, its clubs, players, the NFL Players Association
and the American Cancer Society are committed to providing individuals with the
tools they need to help them better understand early detection and ways to
reduce their cancer risk. Since its establishment in 2009, the NFL’s
Crucial Catch campaign has raised more than $23 million for the
American Cancer Society (ACS). Money raised supports ACS’ Community
Health Advocates implementing Nationwide Grants for Empowerment and Equity (CHANGE)
program. CHANGE promotes health equity and addresses early detection
disparities through community-based prevention programs that increase access to
cancer screenings. Today, healthcare centers in all 32 NFL club markets
receive CHANGE grants to provide outreach and education, and increased access
to cancer screenings and to potentially life-saving resources.
learn more, visit NFL.com/CrucialCatch or contact the American Cancer Society,
anytime, day or night, at 1-800-227-2345.
NFL does not retain any profits from the sale/auction of NFL Crucial Catch
products, packages and experiences via NFL Auction. All dollars raised
from the auction support the efforts of the NFL, NFL
Foundation, and the American Cancer Society toward nationwide cancer
prevention and early detection, including the implementation of ACS’ CHANGE
of Crucial Catch sales from NFL Auction go to the NFL Foundation and are then
allocated to ACS
does not endorse any product